Who should attend this workshop?
Anyone that is interested in learning more about how to publish a scientific paper.
This could be someone at the start of their career that wishes to publish a case report or someone starting out in a research fellowship that will need to learn more about publishing a wider array of articles. This course is open to doctors, scientists and all healthcare professionals that wish to learn more about publishing.
What is the format of this workshop?
The workshop is run online (on the Zoom platform) with regular breaks provided through the day. The workshop will consist of several talks from the meeting organiser, Dr Shah, with frequent opportunities for participants to ask questions and for group discussions.
What topics do you cover in this workshop?
The workshop is designed to give you an introduction to the publishing process and, beyond that, to understand important aspects of the process, ranging from how to conduct effective searches of the Pubmed database through to how to revise a manuscript that is sent back to you for revision prior to acceptance for publication.
We cover the why, where, when, with whom and how of publishing…plus more!
What topics do you not cover in this workshop?
The workshop does not cover details of how to perform advanced statistics (this is not a statistics workshop!) or how to choose the best statistical test(s) for your chosen study.
It does not cover details of how to complete an ethical approval process, although we do discuss more broadly the types of studies for which ethical approval are and are not required.
The workshop does not cover details on how to perform a systematic review or meta-analysis although you will learn about when these types of studies are required and some tips you should know before embarking on such a study.
Do I need my camera to be on during the workshop?
Yes, your camera needs to be switched on for the duration of the workshop. This is for two principal reasons. Firstly, if we can see each other it encourages and maximises engagement and participation between the delegates themselves and with the meeting organiser.
Secondly, it prevents unauthorised recordings of the workshop. Participants that do not have their camera switched on will be asked to do so, for the above reasons.
Medical writing seems different to normal texts – do you teach how to write for medical publishing?
It is true that when you read scientific papers, they often have a certain style which is distinct from normal speech or text you may see, for example, in a magazine or newspaper. Whilst the main focus of this workshop is on publishing itself, we do discuss the style of writing seen in the medical literature and how you can go about developing such a style or improving it further.
Will I get a certificate of attendance for attending this workshop?
Yes, there is a feedback form to complete. All participants that complete their feedback form will receive a signed and dated certificates of attendance that will be sent to you at the e-mail address with which you registered for the workshop.
I live outside Europe but am very interested in the workshop. Will you run workshops for people in the Americas or Asia / Australasia?
Yes, Get Published In Medicine could be run for a group based in another continent and this would be done at a time convenient to their time zone. This does depend upon a minimum number of participants (ten people) registering for the workshop. Group bookings are welcome and may be a good way to achieve this.
Can medical students attend this workshop?
Yes, you can! Students are welcome to attend and indeed may find the course of immediate benefit if you are already working on an article or a project with qualified doctors / scientists / researchers.
Are the talks recorded so we can watch them again at a later date?
At present, there are no plans to record the talks and provide a watch on-demand facility. However, summaries of each of the talks given will be provided, so that participants do not need to make copious notes throughout the day but may find it easier simply to annotate the summaries provided (which will be in advance of the workshop date).
Is there any after-support available if we have questions about a project or study?
Yes! Included in your course fee, all course participants will have one year from the date of the workshop to get in contact if any queries arise regarding a research idea or study. This will include questions you may have about study feasibility or design or requirement for ethical approval (tip – if in doubt, always check with your hospital’s relevant department). This would exclude, however, specific queries about appropriate statistical tests, where to submit a paper or general help with writing the manuscript.